Story 6 (part 1)

So I’ve finished Story 6…but only part 1/3, though. Since this chapter was longer than previous ones, it got me into slump back then. And in order to get back on my feet again, I needed the feeling of doing any progress, so I had to publish what little I’ve got now. So bear with me.

I usually can’t do anything under pressure and when people wait for me I get petrified, which puts me into even more pressure, so getting over that was really hard. Right now I’m really tired and I have a full day of work tomorrow. Don’t know what to say. Need some sleep. And also need an editor if possible. First four chs suck, though maybe actually all of them do. If you are interested, please leave a comment. I suck at interacting with people but I hope we can figure something out.

C u


Story 4/Don’t hate me

Um, hey?…
Shoot, it took me 2 weeks longer than I had initially planned…
m(_  _)m
I beg your pardon.
Now I won’t say when I’m planning to make an update ever again, coz I’m just so bad at sticking to deadlines (not always my fault :/) that you will just end up disappointed in me even more…
But oh well…
Here‘s Story 4 where Princess Elise finally makes an appearance.

Continue reading Story 4/Don’t hate me